my history...

Friday, December 31, 2010

Embracing Life and The Year Ahead

Hard to believe, but I have already been in Austin for almost three months.  That's a quarter of a year!!  I definitely feel like I "live" here now.  I'm pretty comfortable with our apartment, with my bank, post office, grocery know, the basics.  I have a job that seems pretty steady.  "Life" is falling into place.  Also, now that the craziness of the holidays are practically over, things will start to feel pretty "normal" around here.  It might surprise you, but a sense of normalcy really makes me happy!  :)  

Austin City Skyline

I look forward to being more settled in the next few months.  I've been rather homesick, and I know part of the reason for that is because we've been so unsettled with things.  Nothing has felt solid or real or remotely permanent.  Though I do question my length of stay here in Austin in the long term, for right now, I know I need to focus on what IS and embrace it.  I am here, NOW, and Austin is a great city!!  Tom and I have barely scratched the surface in seeing all that it has to offer.  I look forward to exploring more of this city with an open heart and mind.  

Canoe at Barton Springs

As I approach the new year, I plan on updating weekly about our lives here in Austin.  I figure it's a good way for me to keep tabs on my progress here, and it's also a great way to keep close family and friends up to date on our lives.  

I actually need to get to work soon.  I wanted to update a bit on our December here in Austin, but that'll have to wait till later.  If I don't update tonight, I just want to wish everyone a quick...

 Happy New Year!!!  

Embrace all that has come to pass, and all that is bound to be!!  I am welcoming 2011 with open arms.  I'm excited to see where it leads me.  Everyone have a merry and safe New Year's Eve!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Path of Our Choosing

Where are you now?

And where would you like to go?

I reflect and attempt to choose my path with an awakened consciousness.  I embrace complete awareness as I look into the future.  I have the power to create all that I desire.  

Wishing you well on your chosen path as we enter the new year!!    

I Am A Soul Coach.

As the days continue on, I must remember to remind myself that "It's Happening!!".  

This past month has been a bit of a whirl.  It's so easy to get lost in the ways of the every day, when the main focus is to simply make ends meet.  Routines take over and our energy reserves get depleted.  New responsibilities take precedence and our passions get pushed aside.  I question my priorities over and over, knowing that I need to pay rent and buy groceries.  This isn't what I wanted.  This isn't what I planned.  But it is exactly where I happen to find myself.  

I know life doesn't have to be this way.  I've dug myself out of this hole before.  How did I cycle back into this reality?  I am abundant in so many ways.  Blessed by the amazing and loving people in my life.  Blessed to have experienced multiple cities.  Blessed in knowing that there is so much more to life than this!!  The daily grind!!  As I go about my current life, hesitation arises, along with sadness. It takes effort, but I have to remind myself that there is more to the story than what is being presented.  The life of my dreams still exists, even if only in my mind.  Manifestation is always a possibility.  The thought IS the first spark!!

I've been thinking, very much, in the back of my mind lately.  Little zips and zaps of my brain continue to remind me that I haven't been focusing on the path meant for me.  I know what I am "supposed" to be doing for myself.  But instead, I find myself falling into the traps of a society, bent on keeping me down.  I need to refocus!!  I need to re-energize myself with the knowing that I am a divine being.  That all I need is already provided.  I need to trust and let go and allow the wind to carry me deep into the realms of possibility.  

I've worked very hard over the past year.  I had goals, and I have achieved every single one.  For this I am thankful.  One of my largest accomplishments was becoming a Certified Soul Coach and Past Life Coach.  I am incredibly grateful for my experiences related to this.  I know that I am a changed person, a better person.  My interests in spiritual studies have expanded, and I feel intensely connected to the earth.  I know I will continue to learn and grow as time propels me forward.  As I grow, I also know that I need to share what I have learned.  That is where my focus ultimately needs to land, and where it needs to strengthen!  I must embrace all that I am and all that I have to share.  This is incredibly important.  I want to help other people create the lives of their dreams, while I continue to create my own visions and incredible realities.  In all that I do, I know I must lead by example. 

That being said, I must break out of the mundane.  Working as a server at a restaurant is not my dream.  But living and loving others, helping them on their life's paths, IS!  It is time for me to readjust and break out of the cycle that has "defined" me thus far.  At the same time I must remember that this "me" isn't real, unless I give it that power.  In true reality, I am but one piece of a giant cosmic puzzle, a puzzle that we all are part of.  It is time for me to rearrange myself in order to fit into an easier spot with more light, love, acceptance, and kindness.  I am full of potential, to be all that I dream, as are you.  I want to choose to utilize my blessings.  I want to embrace my life as a Soul Coach!!  It is a choice I am making.  And in this choice, I feel the truth of my voice shouting from my throat chakra, "THIS IS IT!!".  Yes, I hear you.  The life I have imagined IS INDEED HAPPENING! 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Blogging Into the New Year!!

The new year is approaching fast!!  In preparation, I am revamping my little blog here.  I'm setting a "blog schedule" for myself, creating daily goals.  As always, I will do my best and see how it works out.  I figure, if I can keep things fairly simple, focusing on what I love most...then keeping up with my schedule should be a piece of cake (a vegan piece that is!).  I will take it day to day, one precious post at a time, placing one foot in front of the other.  That seems to work best for me.  :)  I also plan on changing the look of  my blog!!  I'm excited to get a little more creative as I learn more and more about how to do so.  Thanks for tuning in!!  

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

working and grateful

YES!!  I finally have a solid job here in Austin!!  I'm working as a server at a restaurant called 24Diner.  It's a casual work atmosphere, but with a great Culinary Institute chef-inspired menu and a fantastic Old World wine list.  24Diner even has it's own sommelier!  My co-workers seem friendly, and I'm in the heart of the city at 6th and Lamar.  I've only been "on the floor" for about a week, but I'm hoping to become a pretty integral part of the team there.  I'm excited to be meeting some fun people, and it feels good to be working so close to all the downtown Austin action!  

I'm excited to be working and finally making some money!!  (I haven't had a "real" job in about three months...yes, it was nice!  Haha!)  The downfall is that, now that I'm working, other parts of my life have had to be placed on hold, which I don't like.  I'm hoping that as I get into the swing of things with a regular schedule at 24Diner, I'll be able to keep up with my this blog for one thing!!  :)  And I really want to start some painting.  I've been incredibly inspired lately to work on some mandala art!!  And I need to get going on my Gateway Dreaming course (which I plan on starting with the new year)!!  And I reallllllly want to get moving on this Soul Coaching® business that I've got goin' on!!  

I did finally get some Soul Coaching® business cards which I am thrilled about!!  It's definitely a beginning!!  This past month, I've been making an effort to attend workshops and classes around Austin that are focused on the metaphysical and spiritual realms.  I've introduced myself as a Soul Coach, and NOW I have the business cards to prove it.  Haha!  This is fantastic!!  I've met some really beautiful and inspiring people with great ideas and helping hands.  They have huge hearts and tremendous warmth amongst them.  I'm excited to see what I can learn from these open-hearted individuals while here in Austin, and I look forward to the growth that will come through knowing them.  I am grateful!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Jesus Year - A Resurrection of the Soul

Today I welcome another birthday into my life!  I am entering my 33rd year, what I also refer to as my "Jesus year".  To some, this designation may sound offensive, but in actuality I think it's a wonderful tribute!!  I first heard this phrase coined about 5 years ago, when another friend entered her Jesus year at the age of 33.  I loved the wittiness of such a coining, and the idea has stuck with me.  I've been looking forward to my own Jesus year with excitement and anticipation ever since!  Now, here I am at 33 years old.  What does it mean to enter this year in my life?  

It is speculated that Jesus was 33 years old when he was crucified, brought to death, and then buried.  According to the stories of the christian faith, that would mean that he died and arose from the dead at that young age, becoming an archetypal symbol of Resurrection that has lasted about two thousand years.  (As a side note... The butterfly has often been used as a symbol depicting the resurrection of Jesus, as stated in my last blog entry!!)

The theme of Resurrection has had a strong presence in my life since I was born.  My name, "Stacey", comes from the greek "Anastasia", which simply means "resurrection".  Being born in December, there is also the pagan reflection on the winter solstice. Pagans believe in the "death" of the sun as the hours of daylight shorten, and then the "rebirth" of the sun as days are lengthened with more light.  (This belief ties in strongly with the stories of Jesus, God's "son", who died and then rose into the heavens.)  My life experience has gifted me with my own personal experiences of resurrection as well, having survived a life-threatening motor vehicle accident, and a house fire.  Both experiences had their ways of interrupting my life's path, so that I could begin anew.  For that I feel blessed!

With all of that said, the idea of growing into my 33rd year on this planet is quite exciting!  I see this year as a year of great transformation for myself (just like Jesus or the butterfly).  I am letting go of the old, and grasping onto the new.  I'm living in a new town, surrounded by new people.  I'm embarking on my Soul Coaching® career, which is an entirely new endeavor and adventure!!  Ultimately, I am reinventing myself, creating the life of my dreams.  As I look forward into my "Jesus year", I see a resurrection of my spirit and my soul!  Life is leading me to explore new horizons, pushing me beyond my own expectations.  Thirty three will be a life-changing year!!!  I can feel it!  Today, every moment, and specifically this year, I am being resurrected into a new way of being.  I am thankful for the awareness of this transformational time!!